
Is it time to reboot your IT team?

Is it time to reboot your IT team?


Are you truly getting value from your IT team, whether internal or external?  Are they adding value to your business, identifying strategic opportunities and managing enterprise risks? 


Ask yourself these 10 questions:


  • How long has it been since the IT team did some comprehensive new training?
  • Has my IT manager been in their role for more than 5 years?
  • Do I know what value I get from my monthly payment to my IT provider?
  • Has anyone talked to me about how our business would be able to leverage artificial intelligence, machine learning, business intelligence or robotic process automation?
  • Can our users find all the information they need to?
  • It is just as easy to work from a coffee shop with my tablet as it is from my desktop computer?
  • Do we have a truly paperless office?
  • Are all our systems well integrated, and we never duplicate data entry?
  • Do I feel confident that our reporting systems are as good as they could be?
  • Does the IT function truly add value to the organisation, and provide deep input into strategy and management of risks?


What solutions might be available to address some of these issues?


  • Outsource some or all our IT functions to specialise providers
  • Move away from the old ‘best-of-breed’ approach to applications to a more ‘platform’ approach
  • Skill-up existing resources and support them on their journey
  • Investigate options for building a single source of truth for all data in your business
  • Leverage live interactive dashboards to transform your reporting
  • Replace your old small business accounting systems with integrated ERP and CRM solutions
  • Consider business process workflows and engage with a robotic process automation expert
  • Understand your data privacy, information management and cyber security risks
  • Kick off your digital transformation project today
  • Integration and automate everything
Author picture

Tim Timchur, Managing Director, 365 Architechs, is a qualified accountant, cybersecurity professional and governance and risk management expert.


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