Inventory management is a core capability for all organisations that purchase or manufacture and sell stock items. It is a trade-off between customer service and cost control.
Managing cash is a key issue for all organisations. Many businesses have failed where profit and loss statements have shown healthy profits, but cash reserves dry up and creditors and employees cannot be paid on time.
The threat of artificial intelligence replacing the need for workers is a real concern for some organisations. Others see the opportunity of improving productivity and reducing costs through robots and automation as the only way they will
Modern workflows are often triggered by an email. Customers, suppliers and other stakeholders regularly generate requests for information, place orders for new products and services, or initiate new services cases.
For many people, years ago there was a clear distinction between work and home life. Corporate offices were the locations for work to occur and little thought was given to work when outside those offices.
Many articles have been written recently on the future of work. All organisations are considering how workers, workplaces and the nature of work will evolve over the coming years.
Accounting can be a dark art, surrounded by a secret society of financial professionals speaking in foreign languages of accruals, prepayments and timing differences.
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