
New Features Coming to Microsoft Lists

What is new?


Microsoft Lists is getting several new features to streamline tasks and help you stay on top of your projects. Soon users will have the ability to comment on list items and @mention specific team members. When you comment or @mention someone, they will receive a notification which will direct them straight to the list item. Users will be able to add or delete a comment on list items once to keep the item updated.


What are the benefits?


Direct mentioning capabilities saves time by bringing team members attention to specific items. A comment feed will help users track the activity and progress of list items in detail. More new features coming soon to Microsoft Lists include custom list templates and the ability to show list items in calendar view in Microsoft Teams and SharePoint.


What is Microsoft Lists?


Microsoft Lists is a task and project management app that allows users to track information and organise work. You can choose from ready-made templates or create your own tables and columns with customisable views. You can also integrate list data from other sources such as Excel or SharePoint, and work with team members on tasks from within Microsoft Teams.



Author picture

Tim Timchur, Managing Director, 365 Architechs, is a qualified accountant, cybersecurity professional and governance and risk management expert.


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