
New Intelligent Updates in Microsoft Forms

What is coming soon?


Microsoft Forms helps you make better decisions with data. The key to making these decisions is extracting the data in an understandable way. Three updates coming to Microsoft Forms that help you understand your data better, include Estimated Response Time, the Insights button, and Word Clouds.


Estimated Response Time


Soon Microsoft Forms will be able to predict the estimated response time for longer surveys. This intelligent feature will analyse the time it will take a user to fill out their responses, based on the type of survey and the number of questions. The estimated response time can be added to the subtitle of your form to encourage survey participation and completion.  





Data Insights


If Microsoft Forms can gather enough information from a response, a new Insights button will be visible underneath those particular questions. The number of responses and the quality of the data itself will determine whether further insights can be provided for these questions.


Selecting the Insights button will provide information such as sentiment analysis on open-response questions, score distribution for ratings questions and pattern recognition across multiple choice questions. For example, you can see the number of positive, neutral and negative responses, as well as the general consensus on a feedback response question.





Word Clouds


Word clouds are a new data insight feature for open-text questions. The key phrases from responses will be extracted and transformed into a visual word cloud. This feature offers you a snapshot view of the most common responses. When you select any key phrase in the word cloud, you can find statistics on how many and what percentage of participants mentioned this phrase in their response.





What is Microsoft Forms?


Microsoft Forms is an online tool that lets you create surveys, quizzes and polls. You can collect responses and visualise your data in-real time. Forms can be used within Microsoft Teams and the data can be exported to Microsoft Excel for analysis. Forms is part of the Microsoft 365 family and is accessible via desktop, mobile, and web devices and all browsers.

Author picture

Tim Timchur, Managing Director, 365 Architechs, is a qualified accountant, cybersecurity professional and governance and risk management expert.


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